Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Difference between Cardiac Arrest & Heart Attack


A cardiac arrest is what happens when your heart stops pumping blood effectively enough to get oxygen to the tissues of the body. This may be the result of one of three irregular heart rhythms: asystole (a-sis-toe-lee); ventricular tachycardia (ven-trick-u-luhr tachee-car-dee-a), also known a "v-tach"; or ventricular fibrillation, also known as "v-fib." Asystole is when the heart stops completely; ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation is when the heart is beating extremely fast and very irregular and is not able to pump blood. A cardiac arrest usually occurs as a result of a heart attack.


A heart attack occurs when the heart does not get enough oxygen and as a result some of the heart muscle dies. When the arteries of the heart are too blocked, the heart muscle isn't able to get enough blood or oxygen. When the heart muscle dies it may affect the internal system that controls how fast and how regular the heart beats. If this system is damaged, a cardiac arrest may result.

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